Total donations: $1,216.22

Hello Gaming Enthusiasts!

On November 2nd, 2013, I played video games for 25 hours straight from Saturday 8am PDT to Sunday 8am PST. It's my sincere hope that you'll find it in your heart to support my efforts with a donation that will go directly to my hospital.

Your donation is tax-deductible and all proceeds go to help kids. I recommend using PAYPAL as more of your dollars will go towards our hospital.

The whole marathon has been LIVE STREAMED
You can view an archive of the entire marathon on my Twitch.TV channel
URL: http://www.twitch.tv/surfwarrior
Archive URL: http://www.twitch.tv/surfwarrior/profile/pastBroadcasts (Click More Videos button to load the earlier videos)

Here was my schedule. I am still taking donations!

Thank you for the donations so far. I had broken down the donations received by Friday and determined that 9 hours will be dedicated to Rock and Dance. I will spend about 5 hours on the various Rock Band/Guitar Hero games and 4 hours on the dancing games

I took requests by donations to sign some songs and have done some singing during the Beatles Rock Band segment

- 8:00 AM Guitar Hero 3 Legends of Rock
- 9:00 AM Guitar Hero Aerosmith
- 10:00 AM Dance Central 2
- 11:30 AM Rock Band 2
- 12:30 PM Guitar Hero World Tour
- 1:30 PM Just Dance 3
- 3:00 PM Guitar Hero 5
- 4:00 PM Rock Band Beatles
- 5:00 PM Star Wars Kinect
- 6:00 PM Hungry Hippos/QWOP/Super Mario Bros
- 7:00 PM Lego Lord of the Rings
- 10:00 PM Counter-Strike: Global Offensive w/ Calvin
- 11:00 PM Dishonored
- 8:00 AM Sleep

Most of the videos are "kid friendly" games up to 10pm (minimal foul language). At 6pm, I left the Xbox and switched over to my PC and played some Hungry Hippos (This one's for Terra), QWOP (Because I like a challenge), and Super Mario Bros (Old skool action!). There was some foul language (coming from me) so viewer discretion is advised.

At 10:00pm, I was joined by Calvin (over the internet) and the two of us revisited our past and played some Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. This is a multiplayer first-person shooter game. One of our other friends joined us during our play time! Thanks Denis!

At 11:30pm, Calvin resumed his League of Legends marathon and I started my final game of the evening.

From about midnight PDT till 8am PST, I played about 9 hours of Dishonored. An immersive first-person action story game set in a steampunk inspired world. There is a lot of graphic violence so viewer discretion is advised.

Please continue to donate! And thank you for your support!

Visit my Twitch.TV channel

My Twitch live stream archive